Chiu Lab Members Wah Chiu Principal InvestigatorWallenberg-Bienenstock ProfessorProfessor of BioengineeringProfessor of Microbiology and ImmunologyPhoton Science DirectorateAbout Professor Wah ChiuContact: wahc “at” stanford “dot” edu Alexandre Cassago Cryo-EM Specialist at Stanford-SLACAbout AlexandreContact: casslex “at” stanford “dot” edu Andrew Wu Undergraduate Student in BioengineeringAbout AndrewContact: acwu02 “at” stanford “dot” edu Cathy Hou Undergraduate Student in Computer ScienceAbout CathyContact: cathyhou “at” stanford “dot” edu Eli Andino-Frydman Undergraduate Student in Life SciencesAbout EliContact: eandino “at” stanford “dot” edu Gong-Her Wu Research Assistant in BioengineeringAbout Gong-HerContact: wukon “at” stanford “dot” edu Grier Stretch Undergraduate Student in BioengineeringAbout GrierContact: gstretch “at” stanford “dot” edu Guan-Chin Su Postdoctoral Fellow in BioengineeringAbout Guan-ChinContact: gcsu “at” stanford “dot” edu Ian Cooney Postdoctoral Fellow in BioengineeringAbout IanContact: cooney “at” stanford “dot” edu Ian Fries Staff at SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryAbout IanContact: ianfries “at” stanford “dot” edu Jane Lee Ph.D. Student in Structural BiologyAbout JaneContact: janekjl “at” stanford “dot” edu JoAnn Polizzi Administrative Staff at SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryAbout JoAnnContact: joannp “at” stanford “dot” edu Jesus Galaz-Montoya Staff in BioengineeringAbout JesusContact: jgalaz “at” stanford “dot” edu Lily Xu Ph.D. Candidate in Microbiology and ImmunologyAbout LilyContact: xulily “at” stanford “dot” edu Lydia-Marie Joubert Senior Staff Scientist at SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryAbout LydiaContact: lydiaj “at” stanford “dot” edu Muyuan Chen Staff at SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryAbout Muyuan Nathan D. Burrows CryoEM Specialist at SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryAbout NathanContact: ndb “at” slac “dot” stanford “dot” edu Patrick Mitchell Staff Engineer at SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryAbout PatrickContact: patrick.mitchell “at” stanford “dot” edu Pingting Liu Basic Life Research Scientist in BioengineeringAbout PingtingContact: liup “at” stanford “dot” edu Rachael Kretsch Ph.D. Candidate in BiophysicsAbout RachaelContact: rkretsch “at” stanford “dot” edu Rahel Woldeyes Postdoctoral Fellow in BioengineeringAbout Rahel Robin Cai Ph.D. Student in Chemical EngineeringAbout Robin Shwetha Srinivasan Postdoctoral Fellow in Molecular and Cellular PhysiologyAbout ShwethaContact: sshwetha “at” stanford “dot” edu Stephen Lo Undergraduate Student in BioengineeringAbout StephenContact: stephen7 “at” slac “dot” stanford “dot” edu Vaithish Velazhahan Postdoctoral Fellow in NeurosurgeryAbout VaithishContact: vaithish “at” stanford “dot” edu Valerie Tokars Senior Research Engineer in BioengineeringAbout ValerieContact: vgrum “at” stanford “dot” edu Yan Liu Staff at SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryAbout YanContact: yanliu10 “at” stanford “dot” edu Yang Xu Staff at SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryAbout YangContact: xy8099 “at” stanford “dot” edu Yupeng Zhang Postdoctoral Fellow in Microbiology and ImmunologyAbout YupengContact: zyp90 “at” stanford “dot” edu Affiliated Lab Members Jacob Summers Ph.D. Student in Structural BiologyAbout JacobContact: jasumme “at” stanford “dot” edu Peter Dahlberg Principal Investigator at SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryAbout PeterContact: pdahlb “at” stanford “dot” edu Stefan Oliver Senior Scientist in Pediatrics - Infectious DiseasesAbout StefanContact: sloliver “at” stanford “dot” edu